We're in the home-stretch of Women's History Month, but we don't want it to be over! We wanted to DIY some projects we could take to inspire us all year long and we're sharing this one for free because DUH, adult coloring books are rad. Download these free printable illustrations of badass women we love and follow our instructions to turn them into a coloring book, or you can give them away as gifts, or even frame one on your wall! Yeah, they're that pretty.
From discovering new women who inspire us, to re-discovering the women who paved the way, we have loved every minute of Women’s History Month! We celebrated by creating some awesome temporary tattoos, some DIY iron on shirts that we’ll be rocking all year long, and now this free downloadable coloring book of badass women that you can print for some zen “me time”, frame as art in your house, or give away as gifts to the amazing women in your life!
Step 1: To make your own coloring book, start with a file folder, a hole-punch and some thin ribbon or twine (staples work too!), and a stick on label. Oh, and can’t forget colored pencils!
Step 2: Print out our free badass women coloring book pages (download here) on any home printer. We’ve got an amazing lady lineup:
Frida Kahlo: Known for her surrealist artwork during the 1920’s and 30’s, Frida Kahlo has become a symbol for feminist artists. She fearlessly depicted subjects that were previously too taboo and risque to show in public like miscarriages and the pain of infidelity. Her willingness to expose subjects that were previously the private plights of women the world over did much to start conversations about women’s rights and issues.
Maya Angelou: This powerhouse writer, civil rights activist, memoirist, poet and artist boasts a career that spans 50 plus years. Besides being credited with writing many plays, movies, and even TV shows, she is the author of a whopping seven autobiographies, three books of essays, and several anthologies of poetry. Her staggering and impressive body of work did much to paint a picture of the African-American experience in America and her role in the civil rights movement was invaluable.
Elizabeth Warren; The current Senator from Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren has done much her whole career to fight for women’s rights. She gained a lot of notoriety recently for being the “she” in the now infamous quote “nevertheless, she persisted” when she was shut down for speaking out in the Senate. There have even been whispers that she may follow Hillary’s footsteps and run for president in 2020!
Beyonce; I mean, c’mon. What can we possibly say about Queen Bey that hasn’t been said already? She’s fierce, she’s fearless, and she takes on “the man” again and again in her music and her unique brand of activism-meets-art. We’re obsessed with her and we bet you are too. All hail the Queen.
Rosie the Riveter; “Rosie” is a symbol of the huge influx of females in the workforce that came about during World War II when all the males were overseas fighting. Women ran the factories and shipyards, building munitions and war supplies, taking on the jobs the young men had left vacant. It was a time that represented a major shift in the role of women in society who were now seen not just as wives and mothers, but as major contributors
Ruth Bader Ginsberg; The notorious RBG! Ruth Bader Ginsberg has served as a Supreme Court Justice since President Bill Clinton appointed her in 1993. In 2010 she became the oldest serving justice on the court. She has seen and ruled on numerous groundbreaking historic cases, including legalizing same-sex marriage and even officiating a same-sex marriage in 2013. The second of four female justices to ever serve, she has truly shaped America for the better.
Step 3: Attach your pages! You can staple your pages directly into your folder, or you can use a hole punch and some twine to bind the pages inside.
To attach with a punch; First, punch two holes into the back of the folder along the inside fold. Place the coloring book pages inside and flip the folder over. Use a pencil to mark where the holes in the folder are and then punch through the pages.
Cut a few lengths of string slightly longer than the length of the folder, about 3 inches extra on each side. Tie a knot into one end of the thread and loop the rest though the folder, then through the pages. You can leave the string as is, or you can weave the string into a simple braid.
Thread the string through the bottom pages and bottom hole of the folder and make a knot on the outside of the book.
Step 4: Add a stick-on label for a final touch and you have an awesome custom coloring book you can use yourself, or share with friends!
We hope this coloring book inspires you to get creative! Show us how you colored and customized your printable pages and tag us on Instagram using #bemakeful. Happy Women’s History Month!